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Offering new seminar series on the changing networks today. From an early beginning to the modern methodologies today. 


For the rest of the year 2024, special rates apply to seminars contracted during the last remaining months of this year. These seminars could be from 5 to 60 minutes in duration. Keep reading for more details.


Changes in technology can be very difficult to grasp, in terms of benefits to your business.​ â€‹As a technology professional, discussions of change can be both reassuring and enlightening. During a 5 minute seminar, the major cost benefits of Cloud computing can be covered.


For a more in depth study, a 60 minute seminar covers the changing network. Beginning from 10Base5 and AppleTalk competing with IPX for network communication through the explosion of IP and new networking technologies making the data center a core of business computing. Today, the data center is replaced with the cloud service, a parrallel from IBM mainframe and terminal servers expanding across large geographic areas. All of this explained in the hour long seminar.


Contact Naber Networks to discuss how a seminar, either remote or live, can bring knowledge to a given audience in furtherance of using the latest technologies to assist in the growth of your business.

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